The University of Victoria Student Society (UVSS) recognizes that it must strive to minimize environmental impacts in all of its operations as well as reduce barriers to, and provide incentives for, environmentally conscious choices on the part of individuals.

In our own policies we have outlined that:

Waste Management

  • The Society will strive to reduce waste from all aspects of its operations.
  • Whenever possible, the Society will ensure access to, and encourage the use of, infrastructure that serves to divert waste from landfills.

Energy Use and Emissions

  • When financially feasible, the Society shall perform retrofits to upgrade the efficiency of any technologies or appliances used in its operations.
  • Where appropriate, the Society shall invest in renewable energy sources to power its operations.

2024-2025 Goals

Our priority  goals this year are to:

  • Complete various energy efficient upgrades within the SUB such as:
    • Installation of heat pumps
    • Energy efficient windows in some areas of the older areas of SUB
    • Vestibule at entrance close to bus loop
    • Energy efficient lighting
    • Sunshades and awnings
    • Cooling stations
  • Reviewing waste management practices and divert more waste from landfills through education, infrastructure and events.
  • Review business and purchasing practices within the SUB
  • Involve our membership regarding next steps and future sustainability initiatives in the SUB.
  • Work with the university to improve the sustainability of the university.

Recycling Services

Did you know the UVSS provides soft plastic, styrofoam, and battery recycling services?

If you are an undergrad UVic student come down to the Student Union Building and drop off your recyclables!


As an organization we value transparency so we have provided access to recent reports, audits, and agreements involving sustainability if you have any questions or want to get involved contact finance@uvss.ca

 Sustainability Partners

UVic Sustainability Project

The University of Victoria Sustainability Project (UVSP) strives to re-conceptualize sustainability by united environmental initiatives, promoting environmental choices and formulating and implementing sustainable systems on campus. We believe in pursuing the health of the earth for the benefit of all organisms and future generations

The Good Food Project

The Good Food Project is a recent initiative in the Student Union Building geared towards increasing the percentage of community based, socially just, ecologically sound, and accessible food options for students. The UVSS has partnered with Meal Exchange organization to complete a Good Food audit and pursue a strategic plan for changes to the food procurement system. Our goal, represented in the Good Food Campus Commitment, is to reach 30% Good Food by 2025! For any questions about Meal Exchange, the audit, and the standards we use to evaluate Good Food, you can contact Zoe at uvic@mealexchange.com!

Campus Community Garden

The Campus Community Garden is a 1.6 acre space on campus dedicated to growing organic food and increasing food security for UVic Students and the community. The CCG promotes education on food-related topics and growing food through volunteer work parties hosted at the garden, free workshops, and events in the community such as visits to nearby farms and outstanding local food-driven initiatives. Renting plots to UVic students, staff, and faculty, the CCG aims to cultivate sustainable food systems and relationships to food and land by offering growing space to learn about and connect to your food, as well as providing lower commitment, hands-on learning opportunities by helping grow food in the communal areas known as the “Giving Gardens” for the Food Bank ccgarden@uvic.ca
