A collection of resources from our ReThink Mental Health campaign. Check out our campaign website for more info!
Free UVic Supports
The UVSS encourages our members to learn, get support, or find out how to best support others by taking advantage of the following free resources.
UVic Supports
UVSS Peer Support Centre – Whether you are struggling with or have questions regarding mental health, are concerned for a friend, or need help accessing resources on or off campus, you can seek a first-point-of-contact at the Peer Support Centre. Our trained student volunteers are here to listen, offering non-judgmental, empathetic and confidential support while helping fellow students navigate next-step resources and student life at UVic.
UVic Wellness Centre – The Student Wellness Centre (SWC) aims to provide holistic care to support UVic students’ wellbeing: emotionally, physically and spiritually. The SWC team includes counsellors, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, administrative staff, chaplains and other practitioners.
Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) – The CAL works with faculty and students to promote educational equity and accessibility for students with disabilities. They help create academic accommodations for students with learning disabilities, mental health issues or long-term recurring physical or sensory disabilities, among others. Due to the current pandemic, you will not need a medical or psychological documentation and signed consent form to register.
Learn Anywhere – Learn Anywhere was launched May 2020 in response to COVID-19 and offers a central starting point for information about resources and services that you can access remotely to support your academic journey.
StudentCare – Undergrad students are automatically enrolled in a UVSS health and dental plan with StudentCare. The health plan provides for 80% coverage for external counselling.
Local Supports
Local Supports
Victoria Native Friendship Centre – VNFC is available to help all Aboriginal people living in the southern Vancouver Island, or those accessing health services of the Vancouver Island Health Authority. VNFC offers mental health and addictions counselling, mental health liaison support, and physical health support
Vancouver Island Crisis Line – 24 hour support line for emergency mental health services: 1‑888‑494‑3888. Text services available from 6-10pm Pacific Time: 250-800-3806.
Youthspace.ca – an online crisis & emotional support chat, through mobile text or online. Text: 778-783-0177. Online chat here.
NEED2 – Suicide prevention education & support. They offer workshops and resources, including a Suicide Loss Peer Support Group.
Provincial / Federal supports
Provincial/Federal supports
Here2Talk – Here2Talk connects students with mental health support when they need it. Through this program, all students currently registered in a B.C. post-secondary institution have access to free, confidential counselling and community referral services, conveniently available 24/7 via app, phone and web.
Foundry – Foundry offers young people ages 12-24 health and wellness resources, services and supports – online and through integrated service centres in communities across BC.
Jack.org – A Canadian mental health charity, designed to help create leaders & provide resources surrounding mental wellness. Their website contains information about summits and conferences, as well as critical mental health information, such as how to be there for others, anti-racism resources, and information on how to find support.
Earlypsychosis.ca – Earlypsychosis.ca connects individuals to early psychosis intervention resources. This includes guidance about seeking a diagnosis, talking with loved ones about psychosis, and information about treatment options.
Wellness Together Canada – This government-funded site was created as a response to the mental distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It contains information and help regarding isolation, physical health concerns, substance use concerns, financial and employment uncertainty, and racial inequality.
Canadian Mental Health Association – Nation-wide organization with Victoria office, offering general resources and events.
BC Schizophrenia Society – Services for people with mental illness.
Here2Talk app – Here2Talk is a provincial initiative that provides confidential and free mental health support to post-secondary students. This initiative offers 24/7 access to registered therapists.
HeadSpace – A sleep-related app that assists with mental health through sleep hygiene, guided meditations, and information regarding stress. HeadSpace Plus is free for an entire year for those who are unemployed during Covid-19.
MoodFit – A mental health app that includes a gratitude journal, mood and habit tracker, and reinforcing positive messages. It also features breathing exercises, meditation lessons, and information about sleep hygiene.
Calm – The Calm app focuses on improving relaxation, focus, and sleep. This is offered through guided and unguided meditations, sleep aids, gentle stretching, and calming music. There is a free version, and the premium version is $95.04/year ($7.92/month).
MoodMission – MoodMission helps with stress, low moods, and anxiety. Upon entering your current mood, it offers 5 quick, evidence-based options of how to improve your mood. The scientific research behind these strategies is available on the app, which means you can learn exactly how what you’re doing helps your mental health.
Clue – Offers support for folks who menstruate. Helps you track your cycle, moods, & habits. It also offers information about what hormones could be affecting your mood and health, including information about the interaction of birth control and other medications, and your mental health.
Intersectionality & Mental Health– Discusses the issues that arise in being both BIPOC and struggling with your mental health.