It’s time to unite for students
Today. Tomorrow. Always!
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On March 18-20th we are asking students to come together as a collective.
Question #1 – Operational Increase
Proponent Lane O’Hara Cooke
Do you support an increase to the UVSS operations fee of $5.00 per semester per full time student and $2.50 per semester per part time student with an additional $1.00 increase per semester per full time student and an additional $0.50 per semester per part time student every year until the total increase of $10.00 per semester per full time student and a total increase of $5.00 per semester per part time student was reached in the fall semester of 2029? This fee increase would go towards SUB operations in order to keep prices at our businesses low, our services at their best quality, and to pay our staff a fair and competitive wages
This question is important to the future of your student union!
The UVSS operational budget has not had a fee increase for 11 years. Times have changed and it’s time for the UVSS to change with it. The UVSS has the second-lowest student fees in the province by a wide margin.
If this fee increase passes the UVSS would still have the third-lowest student fees in the province.
“The collective buying power of all of our membership would fundamentally change the ability of the UVSS to fight for this community.”
Who can vote?
All undergraduate students at the University of Victoria
Where to vote?
UVSS members will receive a voting link at their UVic emails on March 18th at 9:00am. Login with your UVic NetlinkID.
When to vote?
March 18th at 9am – March 20th at 3pm
What does the UVSS do?
- The UVSS has developed into a large organization, servicing and advocating for 18,000 undergrads at UVic
- The health and dental plan
- The bus pass
- Mental health support and support for survivors
- Employs students in a unionized workpalce
- Provides over 400 students with groceries every week
- The SUB has cheapest food on campus
- Support for 150 clubs
- Free hot lunches for over 5,000 students
- Events that create community
- Advocacy for marginalized students on campus
- And so much more!!!
We can only continue to do this if we have the proper funding.