The UVSS would like to highlight the following resources available to students impacted by the current conflict in Ukraine:

  • UVic Resource List
  • Leave of absence: The UVSS can help navigate extensions and compassion leaves from classes or Co-ops.
  • ​Groceries: Free fresh and non-perishable food items, along with household and personal care supplies, can be accessed through the UVSS Food Bank & Free Store. If you are unable to come to campus to pick up, delivery options are available.
  • UVSS Mental Health Support: Connect with the Peer Support Centre for drop-ins Mon- Wed 12-5pm (in person) and Thurs-Fri 6-10pm (virtual). Drop in link is here, in person the PSC is in the SUB Basement room B035.
  • Political Organizing: Room bookings at the SUB are free. Help navigating UVic booking system(s) offered at