UVSS election sees highest voter turnout in over 20 years

In addition to the Board of Directors election, fee-increase…
April 4, 2024/by RCM

UVic cuts budget by $13M citing declining international student enrolment

University says it’s too early to determine which areas of…
February 13, 2024/by RCM

UVic students’ society wants more provincial investment to avoid budget cuts

The society says it has raised concerns for years about the unsustainable…
February 9, 2024/by RCM

UVic’s ‘negligence’ during snowstorm prompts backlash after student injuries

Campus remained open during extreme weather, students petition…
February 2, 2024/by RCM

Arrival of Umo transit card sparks grousing among some UVic students

UVic’s ONECard no longer works as a transit pass.

September 10, 2023/by RCM

Housing Now – Greater Victoria’s unaffordable housing market is forcing people into extreme situations

The crisis has pushed renters and potential homeowners to reconsider…
February 23, 2023/by RCM

Fed Up – Unprecedented demand drives student food bank into $200,000 deficit

So far, no change in commitments from UVic despite calls from…
December 13, 2022/by RCM

Housing Now – Students’ housing horror stories drive home rental squeeze

“50-year-old wanted me to pay $500 a month to split an RV and…
October 20, 2022/by RCM

UVSS successfully advocates for ONECard name change

The option is available for two-spirit, trans, non-binary, gender…
February 10, 2022/by RCM

UVic Students’ Society asks for better communication from university

The University of Victoria Students’ Society says they want…
December 16, 2021/by RCM

The Martlet: South Island MLA candidates go face-to-face with students

April 5, 2017/by campaigns

The Martlet: Oak Bay-Gordon Head MLA candidates face off as election looms

March 29, 2017/by campaigns