
Harshita Sankar, Director of International Student Relations

Hi everyone! My name is Harshita and I am a third-year computer science student. Born in India and raised in Japan, I aim to use my diverse experiences to improve your university life in Canada as your Director of International Student Relations. Coming to Canada solo in 2022, I have firsthand experience of (unfortunately) many common issues international students face such as culture shock, housing, work, visa, food insecurity, loneliness, etc. Therefore, I aim to bring awareness of the many helpful on-campus resources and bring visibility to international culture and talent through many fun events!

I strive to advocate for improving the international student life at UVic while potentially implementing more resources students would want to see on campus. So I would like to hear from you all! I love meeting new people and would love to hear your perspectives. If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or simply someone to talk to, please feel free to reach out, send me an email, or even drop by the SUB for a quick chat 🙂

Resources Around Campus for International Students

Global Community

Drowning in homesickness or finding it challenging to start new friendships? Look no further than the Uvic Global Community (GC)! Tailored to cater to both international and domestic students, GC provides a space for creating intercultural bonds, sharing perspectives, and celebrating diversity. Immerse yourself in GC’s regular social events, explore the option of signing-up for conversation partners and mentorship programs, or seize the chance to participate in rewarding volunteer opportunities. Your journey to a more enriched and connected university experience starts with GC!

International Centre for Students (ICS)

The International Centre for Students (ICS) is your one-stop shop for all international student related concerns! Reach out to anyone from the ICS team or drop by the ICS at the Jamie Cassels Centre for any queries about immigration, health insurance, and more. Discover invaluable info about exchange, funding, and volunteer opportunities as well. From the most intricate concerns to the simplest queries, the dedicated and friendly ICS team stands ready to extend their assistance and support!

Multifaith Centre

The Multifaith Centre is a welcoming space for spiritual and religious practices and a guiding hand in your spiritual journey. But it’s more than just a religious space. Tucked behind Finnerty Gardens, this centre hosts a variety of events and activities, from potlucks to pet cafes, where students from all backgrounds can come together and make friends. Don’t let the religious aspect put you off—everyone is welcome here, regardless of your faith, beliefs, or even if you’re not religious or spiritual at all! You can connect with spiritual care providers for guidance on faith or just a friendly ear to listen. At the Multifaith Centre, it’s all about creating a positive and inclusive environment for everyone. Be sure to check their web page regularly for upcoming events!

Getting Settled  – the basics on living in Victoria, creating community, and having new experiences

  • Ombudspersons
    • The Office of the Ombudsperson is an independent, impartial and confidential resource for fairness. The Office provides undergraduate and graduate students with information about their rights and responsibilities, and helps them navigate UVic regulations and procedures.
  • Free Tax Clinic
    • Doing your taxes can be stressful. That’s why student volunteers from the Gustavson School of Business at UVic offer free support to file your taxes. It’s high in demand so make sure to register as early as possible!
  • Ombudspersons
    • They offer confidential guidance on navigating academic challenges, including understanding probationary status and developing strategies for improvement.
    • They can also help clarify university policies, connect you with resources for academic support, and advocate for fair treatment during this period.
  • Centre for Academic Communication (CAC)
    • Aims to improve students’ writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills to succeed in their academic endeavours. 
    • Provides workshops, individual consultations, and online resources to assist students in developing their communication abilities for assignments, such as essays, reports, and presentations.
  • Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL)
    • Provides support and accommodations such as exam accommodations, assistive technology, and alternative format materials for students with disabilities
  • Community Engaged Learning (CEL)
    • Offers students the opportunity to apply classroom learning to real-world situations through community partnerships.
  • English Language Centre (ELC)
    • Provides English language programs for students seeking to improve their language skills for academic, professional, or personal development.
  • UVic Libraries Student Support
    • UVic’s Library offers additional academic support for international students.
  • Work Study
    • Provides eligible students with the opportunity to work part-time on campus or with approved off-campus employers. 
    • Offers valuable work experience related to students’ field of study while helping them finance their education. 
  • Work in the SUB
  • Work Off-Campus
  • Career Services
    • Offers students and alumni resume and cover letter assistance, interview preparation, job search strategies, and career exploration. 
    • Organizes career fairs, workshops, and networking events to connect students with employers and alumni.
  • Co-operative Education

On Campus: 

Off Campus: 

  • Hope for Wellness: 1-(855)-242-3310
    • Indigenous helpline that is monitored 24/7. Experienced and culturally competent Helpline
      counsellors can help if you want to talk, are distressed, have strong emotional reactions or
      are triggered by painful memories. Services available in Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut upon
  • Healing in Colour
    • Provides therapy services for Black, Indigenous, and people of colour and well as a
      directory of Black, Indigenous, therapists of colour.
  • Black Youth Helpline: 1-(833)-294-8650
    • Multicultural youth helpline that is available 6am-7pm daily. Available to talk to any child to
      help understand and address the root cause of challenges faced by children, youth and
  • The Support Network for Indigenous Women, Women of Colour
    • Provides free and sliding-scale therapy sessions for low-income racialized women
  • Rexall Perks w/ UVSS Health and Dental Plan


  • uvicinternational
  • uvicmultifaith

Checklist for Students Searching for Housing

If you are a UVic International Student seeking housing, this list should help alleviate confusions and difficulty that come with navigating the Victoria housing landscape.

Advocacy Wins from Previous Years

InterCultural Association of Greater Victoria (ICA) and the City of Victoria Consultation

The Director of International Student Relations and the Director of Campaigns & Community Relations were invited by the City of Victoria and the ICA to discuss health, safety, and well-being as an international student in Victoria.

In this consultation, 17 members from the Arts, Culture, and Newcomer Serving Sectors were included to recognize and understand voices from marginalized groups and their perceptions, feelings, and opinions about wellbeing and safety. The ideas, information, and commentary from the consultation will inform and be reflected in a final report, set to be completed in September, that will be presented to the Council as a “roadmap to intentional reimagination and transformation of community wellbeing and safety in the City”. You can find more information on the City website, here: Community Safety and Well-Being Plan | City of Victoria

You may also click below to see the points addressed during the consultation by the UVSS Directors and the final document sent to the ICA and the City of Victoria for review:

City of Victoria – Health, Safety, and Well-being

UVSS win: International student work study budget!

Following the previous major win in international student advocacy regarding international bursaries, UVic has committed to increase the International Work Study budget by $200,000 due to further review. International Work Study applications and questions regarding eligibility can be inquired about by emailing

International Student Fee Lobbying Effort

The UVSS has long been concerned with student affordability and tuition fees. Over the last 10 years, international tuition at UVic has increased by 151%.

On January 21st, Former UVSS Director of International Student Relations, Dipayan Nag, submitted a letter to UVic’s Board of Governors on behalf of more than 2,000 international undergraduate students regarding international student tuition fees asking the BoG to (1) freeze international tuition fees for the coming year, and (2) limit the annual tuition increase to 2% for international students for at least the next two years. The letter also includes testimonials from international students themselves.

If you have any questions or would like to join the effort, email 

UVSS win: International student bursaries!

Major win in international student advocacy! In response to the lobbying efforts, led by Sarina, UVSS Director for Outreach/Uni Relations and Dipayan, UVSS Director of International Student Relations, UVic has committed to increase the International Bursary by $200K. UVic is looking to further review and increase support for International work-study program! We will keep you updated as we get more information.

International Bursary applications can be inquired about by emailing

Get Involved

Have questions, comments, or ideas to improve international student community at UVic? We’d love to hear from you! Fill out the form below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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