Here’s a helpful video to get you started:
All of your course union’s funding must be accessed via the cheque requisition process. Cheque Req Forms are available in the General Office or in the Students’ Society Centre (both in the SUB). Cheque req forms must be signed by your course union’s signing authorities and signed off by the Director of Student Affairs.
Cheques will be held at the General Office for pick-up for six months. If they are not picked up during that time, there is a $5 reissuing fee.
Cheque reqs must include the following information:
- Who the cheque is payable to
- Eg. the name of a course union member or a business who is invoicing you.
- What the payment is for
- An explanation of the expenditure – eg. “snacks for club meeting”.
- Who is requesting the cheque and what course union they are representing.
- Must be a signing authority and cannot be the payee (eg. Bob Dylan of the Folk Music Appreciation Club).
- What account you are withdrawing the funds from
- Either budget or trust. You can withdraw from both in one cheque req, just specify which amount from which account.
- The account numbers for whatever account you are withdrawing from, and the amount you are withdrawing (eg. “Budget – 0600 – 111: $47.24”).
- Account numbers are located in a binder in the General Office of the SUB.
- The total amount you are requesting.
- Ignore the “GST recovery” line as it only applies to UVSS businesses.
- A signature indicating approval by one of your signing authorities (cannot be the payee).
- Original, itemized receipts, or an invoice on an official letterhead. The debit or credit receipts alone are not sufficient. Download the Cheque Req form and attach a PDF receipt to it where it specifies on the bottom right. Save the file, and upload HERE
- We cannot accept cheque reqs for alcohol or gift cards.
Cheque reqs are due Wednesday morning by 9am to the Info Booth in the SUB. Cheques are available for pick-up on that Friday afternoon in the General Office (if everything is filled out correctly).
Here’s a sample cheque req:
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Cheque reqs – got it. Okay, now what?
Checklist for completing a cheque req form:
- Is the cheque payable info different than requested by info? (Requester cannot be payee.) Is the payable section a person’s name? (Cannot be the name of the club.)
- Is the club/course union articulated clearly? (We use this information and the account codes to figure out which accounts to withdraw from.)
- Part 2: Is there a delivery option selected?
- Part 3: Is there an account specified? Are the account codes listed (x2)? (Account codes are listed in a binder in the general office, and it is the student’s responsibility to fill this out.)
- Part 4: Is there a name and signature? (Cannot be payee.)
- Attached receipts: are the receipts itemized (listing individual items purchased), and not just a debit or Visa receipt?
- If it’s an invoice, does it clearly state:
i. The date of purchase
ii. What was purchased
iii. The total amount
iv. The name of your club/club member
v. The business’s contact information - We cannot make cheque reqs out for gift cards or alcohol. This is in Clubs policy.
- If it’s an invoice, does it clearly state:
- Travel pool – 0600
- Publication/academic – 0600
- Special project grant – 0500
As UVSS course unions you are considered to be sub-groups within the UVSS. As such, all of your finances must be managed through UVSS accounting. This means that course unions cannot maintain external bank accounts. All course unions have two accounts with the UVSS. Each one has an account number, which is preceded by the account type.
For example, your course union account number might be 111; your budget account number would be 0600 – 111, and your trust account would be 0200 – 111.
Budget (0600 for Course Unions), (0500 for Clubs)
Your budget account is the account where any funds you receive from the UVSS such as semesterly funding, grants, etc., are deposited. This funding remains in your account till the end of the fiscal year (April). As such, you should try to use these funds fully before then; otherwise they will be subsumed into the main course unions’ account. This account can be used to pay for any club expenditures.
Trust (0200)
Your trust account is the equivalent of a savings account with the UVSS. This is the account within which you need to deposit any funds raised. Any funds in your Trust account remain there for two years after you are declared “inactive” as a course union. This account can be used to pay for any clubs’ expenditures.
Please be careful when selecting which account to withdraw funding from, keeping in mind that the Budget account rolls out, while the Trust remains.
Attach a PDF receipt to the Cheque Req:
Download the Cheque Req form and attach a PDF receipt to it where it specifies on the bottom right. Save the file, and upload HERE.