Course Union Registration Registration for course unions 1Club Details2Signing Authorities3Final Details Course Union Name*Main Contact Name* Main Contact Email Address* Course Union Email Address Course Union Website Course Union Social Media Accounts Please put IG handle and FB handle so we can advertise them to new students!Semester* Fall Spring Summer Request for Funding*NoYes First Signing AuthorityFirst Signing Authority Name*First Signing Authority Position*First Signing Authority Email* First Signing Authority Phone*First Signing Authority Student Number*Second Signing AuthoritySecond Signing Authority Name*Second Signing Authority Position*Second Signing Authority Email* Second Signing Authority Phone*Second Signing Authority Student Number*Third Signing AuthorityThird Signing Authority Name*Third Signing Authority PositionThird Signing Authority Email Third Signing Authority PhoneThird Signing Authority Student NumberSexualized Violence Prevention Workshop RequirementHas an Executive Member Completed an Authorized Sexualized Violence Prevention Workshop?**YesNoIf yes...Please give their: Name, name of workshop completed, and approximate date of completion if known Course Union ConstitutionMax. file size: 100 MB.Upload your course union's constitution here. If you do not have one, there is an example PDF and word document available here Course Union Policy* I have read and agree to the Course Union Policy The Course Union Policy can be viewed here.COVID-19* I agree that all programming shall be held in accordance with all UVSS, UVic, and Provincial Health Mandates. If meeting in person, encourage masks to be worn by all, and in the case of a member testing positive for COVID-19, will make all other members aware PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.