The UVSS has several affiliated organizations, as well as other organizations, located throughout the Student Union Building:

Affiliated Organizations

Support line: 250-721-8080
Instagram:  @anti.violence.project

Anti-Violence Project (AVP)

The Anti-Violence Project (AVP) is committed to addressing and ending gender-based and sexualized violence on campus and beyond. AVP strives to provide anti-oppressive and sex-positive services, advocacy and action to people of all genders on and off-campus, in order to address and resist all intersecting forms of violence. AVP offers free support services that strive to acknowledge all of the complexities of gender-based violence in a confidential and person-focused setting. AVP supports people who have experienced gender-based violence, people who are supporting a survivor of violence, as well as people who have caused harm and seek to change their actions. We have staff and a team of volunteers who are trained to provide emotional support and to connect people with relevant resources and referrals, including advocacy, community, counselling, health and/or legal services. As AVP transitions back to in-person services, the phone support line will remain available for the first school term. Please visit our website or social media accounts for support updates throughout the year. Additionally, AVP offers free educational workshops, social action, and awareness initiatives throughout the year. AVP’s two main workshops offered year-round are Understanding Consent Culture and Supporting a Survivor. Please stop by the office or call AVP to find out more about the programs, services, and volunteer opportunities.

Campus Community Garden

The Campus Community Garden is a  space for UVic students, faculty, and staff to grow food and share in the beauty of tending to plants. The garden is made up of 80 allotment plots, as well as communal fruit and herb beds and “Giving Gardens” for volunteers and food bank donations. On-site there are also native plant and perennial food gardens that are perfect for learning and growing. We are urban agriculture and food security resource, providing gardening support, inspiration, and love to bring people together to learn through our workshop series. Stop by our office in the SUB for more information or come get your hands dirty at the garden, located off Mckenzie Avenue and McCoy Road.


Room: SUB B020
Instagram: @uvicsustainabilityproject
Facebook: @uvicsustainability

University of Victoria Sustainability Project (UVSP)

The UVSP is a student-run organization working on the unceded territories of the   Lək̓ʷəŋən-Speaking Peoples and WSÁNEĆ Nations. We strive to re-conceptualize sustainability, observing how it has been reduced to a buzzword or a check-box in recent years. We seek to expand conceptions of what ‘sustainability‘ truly encompasses and how this can be activated.

Our work on-campus centres itself in inter-organizational collaborations and unifying environmental initiatives, a strong commitment to accessibility, inclusivity, and breaking down barriers, and collectively pursuing ecological and social health —from local to global scales— for the benefit of all beings and future generations. Simply put, we believe working towards sustainability means working towards intersectional justice.

The UVSP offers a variety of programming for students on campus —all created by members of our student board! We run campaigns, host events, facilitate action and discussion groups, offer small grants for student-led projects, and create zines, among many other activities. Our projects and programs cover topics related to recycling, conservation, pollinator health, active transport, stewardship, climate change, ecological restoration, water security — and much more! In sum, our work on-campus centres itself in topics and issues that impact all of us, regardless of our career paths or degree programs. For more information, please drop by our office, email us, follow us on social media, or visit our website!

Other organizations

Room: SUB B006
Office hours: Mon-Fri 10-5PM
Phone: 250 721 8702

CFUV 101.9FM Campus/Community Radio

CFUV is a volunteer based non-profit arts & media organization. CFUV provides students of the University of Victoria and non-student members of the wider community with access to an array of media learning and training opportunities. CFUV elevates and amplifies marginalized and underrepresented communities through the creation and presentation of audio programming, with a specific emphasis on local and Canadian Content. You can listen to CFUV’s broadcast online at, over the SUB’s speakers, or over the FM dial at 101.9FM; you can find CFUV’s podcasts at and on all major podcasting platforms.

Room: SUB B011
Phone: (250) 721-8360


The Martlet has been UVic’s source for independent news since 1948. We have a strong audience of approximately 1000 readers per day on our website, and pride ourselves in being the place the UVic community can look to to learn more about what’s going on at their university. Being independent is important to us — it means that we are not directly affiliated with the university or the UVSS and can publish accurate and objective articles. Martlet alumni have gone on to write for the New York Times, the Globe and Mail, CBC, and other outlets.

Room: SUB B205
Phone: (250) 721-8357


The Office of the Ombudsperson is an independent, impartial and confidential resource for fairness. The Office provides undergraduate and graduate students with information about their rights and responsibilities, and helps them navigate UVic regulations and procedures.

The Ombudsperson receives inquiries and complaints from students, and can:

  • facilitate communication between students and staff or faculty
  • problem-solve
  • clarify options or gather information not easily accessible to students
  • refer students to support services
  • help find constructive ways of raising an issue
  • assist in the use of appeal procedures
  • investigate and make recommendations

Room: B003
Phone: 236-882-6083

World University Service of Canada (WUSC)

UVic’s WUSC committee is one of over 80 WUSC Local Committees active on university and college campuses across Canada. We ran the Student Refugee Program (SRP) since 1981. Through your support, we sponsor three students each year from refugee backgrounds to pursue their post-secondary studies at UVic. The SRP is an unique opportunity to help build a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable world: right here, right now. We organize social events, offer academic support, and build community for SRP students, partnering with them in this new stage of life. These efforts are made possible by the contributions of student fees and University support. Interested in being part of this? Get in touch!