UVSS Statement in Support of Ukrainian Students

Dear University of Victoria Students,

As a student union, we have always firmly defended the rights of students to be free from harassment and discrimination on our campus. We are making a statement in light of the acts of harassment directed towards the Ukrainian Students Society during UVSS Clubs and Course Union days. These acts of harassment are unacceptable and we condemn it in the strongest terms. This statement of support is overdue, and we apologise for that.

The UVIC Students’ Society condemns the acts of hate being perpetrated against Ukrainian students on campus. These acts of violence were influenced by the current Russian invasion of Ukraine, which we also condemn. We stand in solidarity with Ukrainian students, many of whom have been affected more severely by this war than most of us can fathom.

Harassing students on a university campus over events that have displaced them, their friends, and/or their relatives is absolutely unacceptable. Hateful beliefs and behaviours do not, and have never had a place on our campus. All students deserve a safe, respectful campus to learn, work and play on. We are better than making each other’s lives harder in hard times. We urge you to be kind. If you are in need of support, please reach out to us.

In Solidarity,

Your Board of Directors

On Campus Resources

Peer Support Centre
A safer space created to be an inclusive and comfortable space for students from all walks of
life.Whether you are struggling with or have questions regarding mental health, are concerned
for a friend, or need help accessing resources on or off campus, you can seek a
first-point-of-contact at the Peer Support Centre.

Our trained student volunteers are here to listen, offering non-judgmental, empathetic and
confidential support while helping fellow students navigate next-step resources and student
life at UVic.

Anti-Violence Project
Our support services are completely non-judgmental and confidential, and available to
anyone who has experienced violence, anyone who has caused harm, and anyone who has
supported someone who has experienced violence or caused harm.

We can provide you with emotional support, information about services on and off campus,
and help in connecting with the services that might be right for you. We have a team of
trained volunteers who provide peer support as well as staff members. To learn more about
AVP peer support, click here.

International Centre for Students
At the International Centre for Students you have access to International Advisors and a
place to connect with friends and find support during this difficult time.
Email: icsinfo@uvic.ca
Phone: +1-250-721-6361

Student Wellness Centre
The Student Wellness Centre provides holistic care, for students’ well-being emotionally,
physically and spiritually. You don’t need to be in Victoria to access care. Contact the centre
for virtual and in-person appointments with counsellors, doctors, nurses, spiritual care
providers and more.
Email: swcreception@uvic.ca
Phone: +1-250-721-8563

SupportConnect is a free, confidential mental health support for UVic students, available 24
Phone (North America): +1-844-773-1427
Phone (International): +1-250-999-7621

International SOS
Students, staff and faculty travelling internationally on UVic-sanctioned activities are
encouraged to register with International SOS, which provides travel safety information,
international healthcare, medical assistance, and security services abroad 24 hours a day,
365 days a year.

Employee and Family Support
UVic staff and faculty can find support through our Employee and Family Assistance Program
including advice, private counselling, information referral services.

Community resources
Vancouver Island Counselling Centre for Immigrants and Refugees (VICCIR)
Vancouver Island Counselling Centre for Immigrants and Refugees (VICCIR) provides mental
health counselling to immigrants and refugees living on Vancouver Island. They specialize in
trauma informed therapy and offer counselling services on a sliding scale.

Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre
Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre provides a wide range of supports for immigrants,
refugees and new Canadian citizens.
Phone: +1-250-361-9433.

Here2Talk is the provincial mental health support line for post-secondary students. Through
this resource all B.C. post-secondary students – domestic or international have access to
free, confidential counselling and community referral services, conveniently available 24
hours/7 days a week, via app, phone and web.
Phone: +1-877-857-3397